Wednesday 14 April 2010

70 Days

Or 2 and a bit months. That's how long I've been away from here!

Several of my home friends have been complaining that since I stopped posting on this 'ere blog, they have no idea what's up with my life (you'd think that twitter, facebook, MSN, fotolog and tuenti would be enough for them, but apparently not...)

So I've decided to return to the world of blogging.

To be honest I've missed it. Just writing down the daily craziness that occurs at uni...Because you guys have missed SO much! Which means that when I come back to re-read this thing ten years down the line, I'm going to have trouble remembering the best months I spent at uni. Sigh.

So many things have happened, changed and transformed over these past 70 days. I'm going to try and bring you up to date with the main stuff and maybe some random things that I remember on the way, so get ready.

This is going to be one VERY long post...

I want to start off by quickly introducing you to the Lovelies. We've become really good friends this term and I'm probably gonna be talking about them a lot so it's fair that you know who they are. Lizzie, Lucy, Gemma and Zoe are four amazing girls who live on my floor in halls. We all have blue eyes and enjoy noodles with gravy and cheese but we do different courses and enjoy different types of music, movies, books, boys and alcohol.

Lizzie is my next-door neighbour and we watch Eastenders together and she borrows my hairdryer. She is the first person I ever talked to at uni.

Lucy has the complete collection of FRIENDS episodes, an awesome large pink bouncy ball and has just moved out of halls and back home. She likes Simba from the Lion King.

Gemma's room is almost as messy as mine and she let me borrow her printer to print my boarding pass home. She has two virtual dogs called Herbert and Sherbert who she lets me look after sometimes.

Zoe and I have almost exactly the same taste in guys. We are the Harry Potter geekettes of Longbrook and we share a kitchen (with other people).

These are my Lovelies (aren't they lovely?) I'm trying to get them to come and visit me at home over the summer!
So. Quick recap of what I posted last time: I was working on stage management, going out a LOT, Production had yet to happen and I was in love with The Light In The Piazza.
Well. Production finished about three weeks ago. I was a "Bathing Beauty" and literally used up half a can of hairspray getting my hair to do the feathery-flicky-Farrah-Fawcett style thing. It went very well I think. It looked good from where I was anyway. We haven't got our marks back yet. Now we're working on our Production essays which have to be handed a week on Friday (ARGH)

Stage management is still being worked on. We have to hand in our work folders on the 10th of May and I'm already forseeing several all-nighters to get it finished in time... I'm working on the 2nd-Years' final production as Assistant Stage Manager so I'm doing that as my Special Project which means the next two weeks (intensive rehearsals and then techs, dress and show) are going to be long and hard...

February Reading Week meant home for a few days and then a fab trip to London with one of my best mates from home: Mei. We had massive trouble with our hotel when we first got there (do NOT ever book the CORBIGOE HOTEL!) but it got sorted and then we had a fab time spending in Primark, visiting Madame Tussauds, watching Wicked and then The Lion King, before getting the train to campus and showing her around my town for the next couple of days.

I went out a LOT last term (especially February and the end of January) which involved a lot of late night parties, early morning dance classes and sleep deprivation, but was SO worth it. I had a great time, met some AMAZING people (the Longbrook crowd and Kelly especially) and (hate to admit this but...) suffered some pretty intense hangovers.

And speaking of hangovers...

Say hello to RAG RACE 2010. About 1500 people dressed up in funny, brilliant and plain ridiculous costumes running around 12 pubs and 2 clubs in town...

Starting at 9am in the morning.

The girls and I had vodka and lemonade with our bacon sandwiches for breakfast before hitting the SU for a couple of hours and then town all day. Then back to the SU and then back to the clubs! I spent 18h drunk. Zoe and I spent the day running around taking as many photos as we could with different groups of people in their costumes. And you wanna know the best part? All for charity.
(We were biscuits)

(Fellow MTers Danny, Ben and Kris as Greek Gods)


(About a third of the Gingerbread Men Army that made my day!)


As you can see it was a FAB day!!!

It's getting late and this is getting long so I'm going to leave this here and carry on tomorrow. Hopefully by the time I get back to uni next week this'll be (more or less) up to date!

Rock on,

KATY xxxx
PS. Please excuse any spelling mistakes, my spell-check is randomly only checking in Spanish!
PS2. DAMN VOLCANOS! I'm stuck at home till at LEAST Wednesday 28th of April... Lets see if I can post more randomness before going back!

Listening to:
2006 - Hello Saferide