Saturday 1 May 2010

My Odyssey and Matchgirls

Sorry sorry sorry!

It's been too long! (again)

Quick catch-up because I'm due at the theatre in 45 minutes (more about that in a minute) and I still have to get changed and make my lunch...

So you all know I got stuck at home for an extra 3 and a half days thanks to the eruption of Mount Eyjafjallajökull (pfft knows how THAT'S pronounced), which culminated in an epic journey back to the UK on my own.

This included a flight to Barcelona, an 18h coach from Barcelona to Calais organised by two lovely people on facebook and twitter who were trying to get their parents back home (props to Elizabeth and Joe for all their help!!), a 3h queue for a ferry, an hour and a half ferry from Calais to Dover and then I missed my train home by about 10 minutes.

This annoyed me greatly.

I ended up getting a 3h train to Eastbourne, staying with my godmother for the night and then catching another 3h train from Eastbourne back to uni the next day.

I left on Tuesday afternoon and arrived on Thursday afternoon. 48h total. Ugh.

I did meet some lovely people on the way though: an Irish guy who'd caught a last-minute train from Tarragona to Barcelona and managed to get on our coach with milliseconds to spare; a family of six who'd been travelling since Sunday from Morocco; a group of American girls who'd left Prague on Monday and were travelling back to uni in Scotland; the lovely volunteer lady who very kindly gave me a tissue when I went into hysterics after realising that the last train home had already left without me and then helped me figure out what I was going to do and how to get to the station...

To be fair, I was quite lucky. But it was still a pain in the ***!

Believe it or not, that's the queue of people waiting for a ferry to Dover.

And after that little Odyssey, we went into intensives for Matchgirls (the second year show I'm assistant stage managing for extra credit).

Sunday was the get-in. An absolute nightmare as our set (a 10-foot wooden wall) hadn't been made right, so we spent six extra hours fixing that, which then put us hours out of schedule and we didn't finish until 9.30pm.

Monday we did 9am until 7.30pm.

Tuesday was long and tiring: tech rehearsals. 9am until 10pm. Plus I lost my voice.

Wednesday: dress rehearsals. 9am until 8pm and I most definitely had no voice.

Thursday: last dress rehearsal and opening night. Drou, Kris and me had an epic laughing time but Jess was ill and didn't make it. I also went to the doctors and got diagnosed with laryngitis.

Friday (yesterday): had to postpone my singing assessment as still had no voice. Jess was half dying. We had a talk on our modules next year. Not happy at all. I'll talk more about this another day. The show was good. Again, Kris, Drou and me have SUCH fun backstage!!! Then we went to the pub with the whole cast and crew which was a laugh and a half I can tell you!

And today is the final show day. Matinee, evening performance, get-out and then After-Show Party at the pub with everyone! Should be good!

I'll post again soon, I promise!

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

Listening to:
Freedom - The Unauthorised Biography of Samantha Brown

PS. Listen to this song! It's amazing! Kerrigan and Lowdermilk. Check out their website for mp3 downloads, lyrics and sheet music to their brilliant shows!