Monday 1 February 2010

As Demetrius said to Hermia...

I'm thinking updates on here are going to be a lot shorter and scarce this term... There's just too much going on!!!!!

Friday was pretty quiet. Had a lovely time just chilling at the pub with the others, gossiping, playing pool and just generally catching up.

Saturday...hmm. Well on Saturday I left campus with Harry and Dom at about 2.20pm for a dance session at Katie's musical theatre academy in Portsmouth that started at 3pm. Should have been absolutely fine...

Except we got lost.

After discovering that tomtom wasn't working, asking for directions at a petrol station, going to Southsea, ringing Dom's dad for directions, going back the way we came, ending up back where we started, asking a taxi man for directions, a packet of hula hoops, a banana and a whole LOT of swearing later...we finally turned up at 4.30pm, having missed the tap class and half of the jazz.

Fun times!

Then it was Geeks and Superheroes at Zee Bar with the Lovelies! Had a great pre-drinking time at Zoe's (who got back on Saturday!), attaching "Kick Me" signs to the girls' backs...

It was a great night, but by 1am my fabulous new killer-heeled shoe boots were MURDERING my feet so I spent the rest of the night curled up on one of the leather sofas with my feet tucked up and people-watching.

(I always enjoy people watching, but it's so much more interesting when the people are drunk...)

Sunday I was so tired I completely slept through my 10.30am alarm and woke up at hour late for Glee.


Finally arrived at 3pm and had a great jam session with everyone on "One Day More" and "A New World". Curled up in bed by 7pm with "The Princess and the Frog" and "10 Things I Hate About You" (OHMYGOD HEATH LEDGER) but didn't actually get to sleep till about 3am...

Stupid brain.

And today has been dancing and Stage Management. A whole lot of giggly yet productive times with Jodie O., Jodie D. and Sarah.

And now I'm off to (try and) do my whole backlog of SM work (which is a LOT...)

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

Listening to:
Home - The Wiz (Diana Ross)

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