Thursday 4 February 2010

It's Love...Not Santa Claus

I'm still doing Stage Management stuff.


I've done half of the costumes, but still have to finish the other half AND do my sketches and plan for our stage design of A Midsummer Nights Dream AND type out my learning outcomes for all three sessions AND do the prep work I never did for the first session...

Busy times.

But still fun times as well!

In production on Tuesday we did a read-through of the dialogue to help Maria (our director) sort out casting. Lots and lots of fun times. And then Maria decided to make us all say what our greatest long term dreams are. It was quite interesting actually...

Then it was 999 (Emergency) Night at the SU which was good. Lucy, Gemma, Zoe and me were nurses and Lizzie was a policewoman, Harry and Evan and the guys were fireman which was brilliant and there was even a few girls dressed as Ghostbusters which might be the most amazing thing I saw that night.

My night was kinda cut short when I slipped over in front of a group of guys and landed on my bum, hurting my hip in the process...

So I came home and had a lovely catch-up chat with Hector on MSN. He made me take note of a lot of things and remember a lot of stuff I'd been forgetting...

I think a shot of tequila in his honour might be in order tonight! Miss you babe...

Yesterday was fun too. Masterclass was BRILLIANT. Andy and Rosie sang The Marriage Tango from I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change with Tom and Shvonne doing the extra voices. Hilarious.

Had a nice quiet night in with the Lovelies and Ryan. Lucy, Lizzie, Sam, Louise and me went for a run along the beach followed by porridge (which I suddenly had a massive craving for) and 500 Days of Summer...

It's SUCH a sweet film. But really sad at the same time because just from the title you know it's not going to end well...

And today I had a massive lie-in, followed by costume design and now I'm remembering why I love Italians.

The Light in the Piazza.

Sigh. I might just have to move to Italy in the 1950's...

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

Listening to:
Say It Somehow - The Light in the Piazza

PS for GLEE fans: the original male lead of The Light in the Piazza is Matthew Morrison AKA Mr Schuester :)

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