Saturday 28 November 2009

Christmas Bells Are Ringing

RENT fans will recognise the title to this post. I went to see the show on Thursday and it was amazing. The guy playing Roger also had the best arms I've ever seen.

Had a fab day out with Lucia today. One of the best I've had in AGES.

I had trouble tracking her down at first because her phone wasn't working but after ringing both Mum and Ches to get her Spanish number we got there in the end.

I helped her sort out her CV and then we hit Tesco's for supplies.

I had a sudden urge for mince pies. They were on offer. I bought mince pies. And a couple of cheap but beautiful DVDs. And sushi.

Back at Lucia's place, had a nice international lunch of Spanish omelette, American corn on the cob, Japanese sushi and English pudding before heading out into town. Me being clever I'd forgotten to take a coat. So I borrowed Lucia's (way too small for me) black leather jacket.
Note to self: do not leave house without gloves ever again.

I got a phone call from my auntie Sandra while we discovering the HMV store. We're going Christmas shopping in London next week (VINTAGE!) and she's taking me to see a musical. She won't tell me which one though! I really hate not knowing this sort of thing... It drives me bananas! But hey. Musical. Who am I to complain?!

Lucia and I then got a couple of hot chocolates (with whipped cream and marshmallows) and sat in Costa's to watch the Christmas lights go on. They had fireworks too. But I don't think the lights are as nice as the ones back home... They're too plain.

I can't wait to see the ones back home!

Merry Christmas to one and all, and too all a good night

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

PS. Anyone else get the feeling that Christmas is coming round earlier each year???

I Won't Be Home For Christmas - Blink 182

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