Friday 20 November 2009

The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn Is Just To Love And Be Loved In Return

Yeah right. Tell THAT to the long-term couples who are breaking up left, right and centre because of the long-distance thing.

Worrying times for some in Couple-Land at uni...

Watched Moulin Rouge with Rosie and Shivers and Andy last night (hence the quote). I'd forgotten how much I love it. And how AMAZING Ewan McGregor is. I fall for him every single time I watch it. Also decided Satine (aka. Nicole Kidman) looks a HELL of a lot like Amy Adams...

Had a fun morning with Rosie burning CDs for her car. Cos we're all getting a little bit tired of Spelling Bee I think (even though it's brilliant)... Also had my third singing lesson of the term. A double one. Very pleased with myself as I sang something I thought I couldn't and Mike actually complimented me on it!

After, I waited for the bus back to BRC and overheard a conversation that made me giggle so I thought I'd share - a girl was telling off this guy (not sure whether it was a boyfriend or a friend):

Well I think it's ridiculous. You should make her pay rent. Just tell her: you're cutting your hair in my kitchen and having sex on my sofa, why don't you just MOVE IN???

So yeah...made me giggle anyway.

Also had a lot of giggles at dinner. Harry normally doesn't eat in the canteen (he's on the "Harry diet" where all he eats is rice and fish 4 days a week) but today he did and he was telling us that someone had gotten into their kitchen (he lives in the same block as Evan and Dave and etc) and stolen two ipods, some ipod speakers, a couple of bottles of booze and (wait for it): a mackerel.

Yes. A mackerel.

A whole fish. Out of the freezer. God only knows what they wanted to do with a mackerel...

Rosie was getting all stressy with Andy because her fags were in his room and he was refusing to give her the key to it.

Their solution? Extreme Thumb War.

10 seconds later - a chair had been overturned, Andy and the rest of us were in hysterics and Rosie was lying flat on the floor.

I love uni.

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

Dory from Finding Nemo speaking whale

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