Wednesday 25 November 2009

Just Life...

Just back from our last acting session of the term. Interesting. We had a hot-seat interview session where we had to answer questions as a member of our family. I did Ches. It would have gone a lot better if Drou and Harlie and Andy and Rosie hadn't gotten the giggles over my hair. Because Ches pushes her back from her face A LOT. So I did too. Except I've got a short fringe. So I just looked like a turkey...

I've had a few boring days really. Had the most intense body conditioning session EVER on Monday morning...IT BURNED. A lot. We learnt RHYTHM OF LIFE from Sweet Charity in the afternoon. It was good. Weird and a little bit random. And VERY HIGH FOR THE SOPRANOS. But good.

AND WE CAME SECOND IN THE PUB QUIZ! That may not mean much to you guys but ohmygod is it a big deal for us. We've been last or before-last for the past 3 weeks... The mystery round was musicals which is always fun cos our team consists of MT students and a singing teacher (Zoe, Tom's girlfriend).

Yesterday I got told off for going to breakfast in my PJs. Apparently it's not allowed. Health and Safety regulations. AGAIN. People are getting way too anal about this sort of thing nowadays...

I love tap dancing. It's one of my favourite classes. And yesterday I learnt triple timesteps! (Check out the updated list of stuff I've learnt at uni). The problem is I can't seem to stop doing them. And tap springs. And shuffles. Just non-stop. Whenever I'm standing around waiting for people. I just start tapping...Is that bad?

What else happened?

We had an interesting conversation at dinner yesterday. I swear they get more random every day...This one was about pineapple rings.

So yeah. Time to go do that musical timeline...

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

PS. Going to watch the MT second years in OH WHAT A LOVELY WAR with Sam tonight, and then joining the girls for the Girls Only Ann Summers Party at the SU!!! Fun times!

Everything - Michael Buble

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