Friday 20 November 2009

Cider, Pool and a Brilliant Idea

Just got back from the pub with Tom, Rosie, Andy and Shivers. Fun times. We had a couple of pints/cider and blacks, ate a couple of packets of peanuts (which OMG Tom and I discovered actually taste like peanuts! Sorry. Inside joke), played a couple of games of pool, lost a couple of pounds at Pub Quiz and then Monopoly on a games console thingymajig...

And then, as we got back to campus we found Dervan and had an awesome conversation with her. And then it happened.


Won't say anymore now. Surprises. I really hope this one gets off the ground though. Because our last "most amazing idea ever" hasn't actually been done yet... Neither has the one before.

On another note, I'm working at the Open Day tomorrow. On this campus this time. Which is good. I had a funny but bit embarrassing moment last time I had to get the bus over to BOC for Open Day... But I'll save THAT story for another day as it's quarter to twelve now and this is my second post today and I've got to get up at 7am tomorrow.

So I think I'm going to go clear off all the junk and clothes and songbooks off my bed and get into it!

G'night y'all,

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

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