Thursday 3 December 2009

Lock-outs and Love Stuff


That's the show we're doing. Or rather, the song we're doing is FROM that show...

Yup. One song. OK it's a ten-minute-long one plus dialogue but still... People aren't very happy! Apparently we're not going to do a full-length show until the second year. Nobodies very impressed by that...

(But I bet nobody mentioned it in the Course Evaluation forms we filled in this afternoon!)

I locked myself out again this morning. It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the fact that I didn't realise until I got out of the showers and was clothed in little more than a towel...

Had a small panic attack when I realised. Then freaked out even more when I knocked on Rosies and Shivers' doors and they didn't answer. Luckily I saw the cleaning lady just coming out of the corridor cupboard and she let me in (even though she's not supposed to). She felt sorry for me because of the whole towel thing... That woman is a LEGEND.

So yeah...

Only 22 days left until Christmas! And I'm still waiting for my parents' Christmas lists! (hint hint if you're reading this, Mum!) I need to sort myself out. I'm currently in the process of writing/posting 20 Christmas cards to various family and friends spread over two countries (and slowly losing the will to live) as I wait for Mum to email me everyones addresses...

Christmas shopping next week with my auntie Sandra. Maybe after that I'll feel more organised! (By the way, apparently I'm not going to see SISTER ACT. Once again, Mum knows where I'm going, but I don't. I never get to know anything!)

Ooh! I'm going to post a video for you people to watch here. Just because it reeeeeally made me giggle. We were sitting in Andy's room waiting for dinner to open when he discovered it... It's pretty self-explanatory.

So once I finish writing these Christmas cards, I'm gonna go hang out in Shvonnes room with the girls and investigate Barney's (Emma B.) Ann Summers loot. She and Joey (Jodie D.) and Chonty (Chantelle) have become Ann Summers reps and are due to receive their merchandise stuff tonight. We stopped at Tesco's on the way home and stocked up on alcohol (and in my case, yogurts) so should be good fun!

Then I'll probably go out with Harry and Dom and Tom etc. I say "probably" because I'm not sure I will. I'm quite tired and quite fancy a few drinks followed by watching "Bridget Jones" and then bed.

But I'll blatantly end up going out.

I haven't gone to Mud/Sheiks for several weeks now and I won't go next week cos I'll be revising, and I might go out on the 17th, for Joey's birthday shindig, but if I do, it won't be for long as I've got a 8.30am train to catch to the airport!

And talking of going back home, I should mention I won't be writing anything here while I'm away. For the pretty obvious reason that this is a blog about my life AT UNI.

And I won't BE at uni. So I won't BE writing either.

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

Just A Dream - Carrie Underwood

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