Thursday 10 December 2009

Questions and Minis

I'm just about to go have dinner but I'm going to post this quickly before I do.

It's been a pretty quiet day really.

I woke up late, had breakfast, tidied my room (which was urgent and took quite a while...), had lunch and then got the inter-campus bus to BOC. Roadworks and traffic meant it was running over 20 minutes late, so that was fun.

Then when we finally got to BOC, we discovered that the Music Office wouldn't actually open until 3pm, so we were stuck waiting around for half an hour just to collect an exam question.

Let me explain that.

We do what's known as a "seen exam" for our Intro to Musical Theatre module, where we're given the exam question a week before so we have time to research and prepare it. You'd think that would make it easier wouldn't you?

Well haha.

There's actually a reason why we're given the questions a week before you know!

So Nick, Alan and me joined Danny, Anna and Andy in Holts cafe while we waited. I threw an orange juice bottle at Danny's head. I missed. It rebounded on the wall behind him and nearly hit a random girl sitting at the table next to us. I apologised profusely.

Finally managed to get our exam questions.

We then waited for Ben outside his halls while he fetched his car keys (he offered to give Nick, Alan and me a lift back to campus, Danny came along for the ride).

Danny and Nick made loud bird noises and imitated a strange laugh they'd seen on a youtube video. Nick is quite good at being a chicken. Ben is very good at being a pigeon.

We played BEEMER! and MINI! and YELLOW CAR! (complete with arm-numbing punches) in the car.

Ben's driving scares me.

I've sworn off the internet for tonight. I'm going to finish my room (yes. I haven't finished tidying yet. I know...) and then watch MIRACLE ON 34th STREET and then get an early night.

And I know I said that yesterday and then I (of course) didn't get an early night.

But today I mean it.

Time for dinner.

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

Evan Gardner (he's on my course!) -

PS.Just got back from dinner.

Ben Hall made a surprise appearance with Arthur Robson in the canteen.

Jem and I were wondering whether he knows about the Ben Hall Appreciation Society facebook group...

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