Friday 18 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

So I'm in an aeroplane.

On my way home! Yay! Finally!

I can't believe I've already been at uni for a term. It's an amazing thought really. I'm going to miss everyone a lot this month. I spend all my time with these people. I live with them for God's sake! So you get used to having them around. And suddenly I'm not going to have them around for a whole month...

Yesterday was INCREDIBLE!

I got up early to revise. Ended up changing the songs I was using for examples in one of the questions which meant re-doing my research, but actually I think the ones I ended up using where in fact a much better choice.

Though as Katie so kindly pointed out, this whole changing-things-at-the-last-minute thing is going to blow up in my face one day...

Everyone was really nervous about it, swotting up dates and names (and nationalities if you're Katie!) in the canteen an hour before starting.


I collapsed on a squashy sofa in the canteen and had a nap.

The exam went well though. I think the fact that we all love our subject helps A LOT.

Harry gave me a lift back to campus afterwards (with Dom, Lou and Evan) and we had a right laugh: singing Sister Act: The Musical at top volume, Harry giving Dom a drum lesson as he drove, wine gums, maltesers and all of us jumping up and down in our seats while singing Oliver!


I joined Gemma, Lucy, Lizzie, Zoe and Ryan for pre-drinking at the SU and had an amazing time with them just dancing and singing along to Christmas songs and clubby stuff as well as cheesy pop like Barbie Girl and Macarena (oh yeah baby)

A few taxi shenanigans later (Gemma falling over...) we hit Sheiks. It was PACKED. I found Danny and Harry and Kat and Kirsty and Anna and Ben as well as a whole load of other people off my course and had a fab time with them.

It was Danny's birthday so Sambuca shots all round at midnight (and oh yeah I am SO blaming that shot on my hangover this morning...)

The best part of the night came when Alan and Harry and me left.


Like proper settled snow! That you could throw and make stuff with!!! We got some chips/kebab and had an awesome chat with the bouncer from Mud about his life as a sergeant in Canada.

Then we got a taxi back and I lived my finest achievement so far at uni: hitting Harry smack bang in the face with a snowball whilst wearing heels and a pencil skirt. Boo yah!

Of course then I got attacked by about seven people all at once... But oh well. So worth it.

Made a snowman (his name is Bob) and then decided to get changed. By the time I got back down the boys had all wimped out and left, leaving me and Daisy and Louise to take photos in the snow with Bob and the snow angels.

Good times.

I was out there until 2am and after about 4h sleep cuddled with a hot water bottle, I woke up to finish packing/sorting my room out before breakfast.

I was going to get a taxt to the station but I was ready a full half hour before I had planned to leave so I just walked instead. I decided I wanted a last chance to see the snow.

It was SO beautiful...

And now I'm here. After three quarters of an hour waiting in the queue to check in and an hour's delay, I'm here. Somewhere over France on my way south and BACK HOME!

I know I said I wasn't going to post while at home, so this will be my last written update until January 16th 2010, but I'm going to post photos of my holidays so in a few years I can come back and see the photos and remember everything.

Once Daisy posts the snow photos on facebook I'll put some of those on here as well.

So all that's left to say is,


See y'all in 2010!

Rock on,

KATY xxxx

By the Sea – Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just came across your blog, and I'm finding it interesting to read because I'm an 18-year-old university student in California... it's fun to see that things aren't too different in the UK!

    Also, I love the Sweeney Todd Soundtrack. =)

    Thanks for blogging!!!

